Field Sites
Two field sites have been selected where MAR facilities are already operational and where basic information on geology, geochemistry and hydrology are available.
The two sites are:
Beiyun field site in Beijing, northern NCP, 39°54′27″N 116°23′17″E
Yufuhe field site in Jinan, central NCP, 36°38′00″N 117°01′00″E
The sites have been selected based on their differing geology and hydrology and because the both allow discharge to shallow aquifers by river bank infiltration and injection of groundwater to underlying confined aquifers.
Both sites have a network of monitoring wells available for the research.
Beiyun field site in Beijing, northern NCP,
39°54′27″N 116°23′17″E
The Beiyun site is located near Beijing in the Beiyun river basin (4293 km2). At the site reclaimed water (treated waste water) and storm water is infiltrated mainly for “scenic” purpose, an euphemism for discharge into dried river beds, at the southern foothills of Yanshan Mountain. Several monitoring wells have already been installed at the site covering both the shallow aquifer to be used for RBF and the deeper aquifer to be used for water storage. Groundwater chemistry data are also available from the site.
Monitor wells along Beiyun River
Yufuhe field site in Jinan, central NCP,
36°38′00″N 117°01′00″E
The Yufuhe site is located near Jinan city in the Yufuhe river basin (270km2) at the central NCP. At the Yufuhe site several monitoring wells has already been installed and groundwater chemistry data are available. Yufuhe river is an ephemeral river that turned into a losing stream after the Wohushan reservoir was built. Along a upstream stretch of the Yufuhe river, water is currently being recharged to the shallow aquifer and there are several groundwater wells for drinking water supply on the two sides of downstream river. The recharged water mainly consists of released Wohushan reservoir water and Yellow River water, of which the latter contains significant amounts of waste water and has the highest suspended solid concentrations among the world’s major rivers.
Monitor wells along the Yufuhe River